Invest in the right equipment for the job. We’ll help you select cameras that  provide the image quality, viewing range, and IR (infrared) distance required  for your building and environmental conditions.


Why gamble on out-of-the-box cameras that may or may not meet your  specific needs? Once our techs install and configure your cameras, you’ll have  access to the feed or recordings any time from a web-enabled computer, tablet or smartphone—iOS.

Remote Viewing of Footage

Network Security


Adequate Storage Capacity


Display real-time information from virtual sensors on easy-to-create, customizable dashboards. Custom questions to define analytics that best suit your buildings requirements. Potential to utilize your existing infrastructure and easily integrated into mobile apps and online websites for access anytime from anywhere. Trigger alerts to staff via SMS and Email based on sensor output keeping you and your team in loop without keeping your eyes on a camera.

Object Counting

Activity Monitoring

Social Distancing Recognition

Real-time Trigger Alerts to Staff

In need of a robust solution to fit your budget?